ChatGPT with Code Interpreter is now live, and it's very good, notably at coding interview questions. Here's a longer article if you're interested.

I really like the idea of corded flying drones, what an interesting solution! In a less hopeful direction, drone swarms are the future of warfare.

I'm not sure how the demographic adjustment worked, but dang, that's a very good labor market.

This is very impressive. Check out the short video to see how it looks. Seems like the biggest problem is that you have to film the scene twice (or one similar to it), so that you have something to base the colors in the final shot on.

Who says people don't use Geometry in everyday life?
• There was a thread of economists favorite graphs, starting with the nail production as a % of US GDP. (used to be about half a percent of US GDP was just making nails). Others included: the cost of light adjusted for inflation (it's down a lot). Saudi food production (nothing, huge spike, ran out of water, cratered). Child mortality worldwide over the last 200 years (it's way down, the past was horrible). Inventor Immigrants vs Inventor Emigrants (Inventors come to the US, and leave China). Coal consumption broken down by usage over the last century (More coal was used for residential heating than electricity as recently as 1950!)
• Thread by Paul Poast arguing that Independance Day, Armageddon, and The Rock together capture how we thought of the Unipolar world after the collapse of the USSR.