Just absolutely crazy, there are eight new active ingredients already approved in Europe that have been stalled for years, despite Congress passing legislation attempting to get the FDA to fast track Europe-approved sunscreen ingredients *in 2014*.
Horrifying, also I'm also sorta impressed by the technical accomplishment by the maps team to make this notification work. Further, the US is now really good at keeping shooting victims alive, although the ideal is not being disemboweled by a rifle in the first place.
Darrell Owens commented on this, saying: "I look at videos of American cities during this era and marvel at how effective anti littering campaigns were. Even wealthy areas had all these newspapers and trash on the sidewalks and streets."

Don't let yourself get turned around entirely by these troubled times, the US is still great, let’s work to make it even better!
• Short thread regarding how abundance of guns in the US is destroys opportunities for safe public gatherings.