He suspects it's the Dobbs decision, 538 now gives Democrats a 56% chance to retain the Senate.

They're scrapping plans to push people to get a summer booster in favor of these new bivalent ones that they think could be available in September.

From the article: "13% of all new cancer cases worldwide are caused by pathogens we know can cause cancer"
• A small note about how the Medicare Drug negotiation part of the IRA bill works.
• Short thread summarizing a recent Economist article about the problems with land values taking up a significant portion of all assets. Land made up 39% of non-financial assets in the UK in 1995, 56% in 2020. One reply was simply Henry George with Laser Eyes, because of course.
Also, I got Dall-e access, here’s my best recreation of the photo at the top of today’s post.