This is really great, although it would be nice if we could find a way to motivate the non-Tesla chargers to be out of service less of the time.
The fact that it was separating before Dobbs is interesting, and one very interesting take (cached) is that it's the rise of 'For You' algorithmic feeds replacing relationship graph or 'following' systems for news distribution. Before, the news you saw was based on which people you publicly indicated you were interested in, resulting in you hearing from the people you think you are affiliated with. But with algorithmic feeds based on individualized metrics of seconds watched, you are shown what you're interested in, without ever actively stating that you want that.

Crowdstrike is only able to completely crash Windows like this because Microsoft was forced by regulators to allow third parties to write software that runs on the Kernel. Apple has had the freedom to improve security, but not Microsoft. Here's more on the subject from Stratechery.
JD Vance Couch' has pulled way ahead of 'Trump Assassination' in Google Trends
Flotsam and Jetsam
– "I am, somehow, less interested in the weight and convolutions of Einstein’s brain than in the near certainty that people of equal talent have lived and died in cotton fields and sweatshops." ― Stephen Jay Gould (src)(cached)
– Nate Silver was asked about the election model 538 built, and he wrote a thoughtful article about it. A writer for Vox boiled down Nate's article though, the upshot is that the "538 model is not usefully distinguishable from a rock with 'incumbents win reelection more often than not' painted on it." (src)(cached)
– The Republican "No tax on Tips" idea doesn't actually help low income workers, but it'll do a lot for a rich person who reclassifies their wages as tips. (src)(cached)
– Income mobility for children of low-income immigrants is super high. Immigrants who come to the US do well even when they come here with nothing. (src)(cached)
– The Trump admin didn't do that much to slow illegal immigration, what they did achive was a reduction in legal immigritation, extremely foolish. (src)(cached)
– Pete Souza had a great writeup on the various photos of the Trump assassination attempt. He argues that the one of Trump on the ground with blood was the best. (src)
– People on GLP-1 inhibitors buy less groceries, but also the categories change a ton too, less on sugar, more on protein (src)(cached)
– When progressives see Trump attempt to moderate his message, they understand that that's good for his electoral chances, and they understand why his right wing supporters don't attack him for this. We should allow Harris to do the same thing, and for the same reason. (src)(cached)
– Only the 'Lord Almighty' could convince Biden to pull out of the race. Seems we have some theological news about Nancy Pelosi. Another comment on the matter: "how much of the Democratic Party’s superior ability to execute is just a single, supernaturally effective 84 year old woman" (src)(cached)
– Nato covers half of global GDP, and the war in Ukraine has caused many member states to begin spending on defense again. (src)(cached)
– The Trump campaign had banked heavily on running against Biden specifically, all of their strategies relied on that. (src)(cached)
– The Chinese successfully have tested a commercial meltdown-proof pebble bed nuclear reactor. (src)(cached)
– Wolf Blitzer was enjoying a nice brunch just about an hour before the Biden news pulled him back into the studio. Never check your work email. (src)(cached)
– When our farmers and our police forces say they need quadcopters from Chinese military contractors, we should be thinking about an industrial policy for drones in the US. (src)(cached)
– A lot more people have heard of (and dislike) Project 2025 (src)(cached)
– Highlights from a new paper estimating long term mineral requirements for battery manufacturing. TL;DR: we're getting better at recycling very quickly, demand for Lithium, Cobalt and Nickel are all expected to peak before 2040, despite rising demand for Batteries (src)(cached)
– Musk has backed off his plan to give 45 million per month to reelect Trump, going so far as to say he never had such a plan, but he tweets all the time and so of course there's written evidence. (src)(cached)