Good to see bikeshare ridership increasing, especially given that transit ridership is still a bit weak.

The app is fun, although it's a shame that there really aren't that many tile options available. Although I guess that is a pretty good selection for the late 1800s.

This is a great reminder that US cities own massive massive amounts of downtown land that they currently use for parking. We should use the land for the most productive possible use! In most places, that's probably not parking.

If you had forgotten, people are continuing to get better at AI covers. Here's Elvis singing Baby Got Back, also quite impressive. Sinatra singing Creep, also very impressive, although not as fun IMO.
• Fun thread about a social experiment in the 90s about how much people really notice each other. TL;DR: others don't notice your big embarrassing moments as much as you do.
• Thread making a extremely strong case that China is very close to invading Taiwan. While we're at it, here's a paper about the immense damage war does to a country. From another angle: here's an argument that they'll go to war because it's a common way for authoritarians to consolidate power.