Here are photos of what it normally looks like there.
Obviously inflation remains elevated and it's not like all the problems of American capitalism have been solved - far from it! - but really feels like this should be an opportunity for left/liberals to tell a story about this economy like the one the right told about Reagan.
Justin Wolfers @JustinWolfers
Believe it or not, things are going pretty well in the US economically right now. 223k jobs added in December, the employment to population ratio is at the highest level on record. Plus, there's still demand for *more* labor in nursing homes and day cares.
US energy balance sheet update: supertrend continues. During the 8 year Obama term the US increased supply from *all* sources by the largest amount in a half century. Pace continued during Trump admin, and now Biden admin. No stopping.
Oh, and we achieved energy independence. Noah Smith quipped that people point to some problem as proof America is failing, but forget about it a decade later when it's been solved.