Favorites January 30th 2022
Pretty short one today

Abuses of the pardon power have happened in the past (including under Trump) but the fact that *all* crimes committed in the District of Columbia are federal crimes eligible for presidential pardon creates a terrifyingly vast loophole in the constitutional system.

Acyn @Acyn
This got a lot of discussion today, seems bad.
Hey, there we go, more interesting study design!

SF has turned Omicron corner. Hospitalizations ⬇10%, cases⬇50%. Both these %'s confounded by challenge of discharging Covid+ patients; test availability.
Better metric (less confounded): asymptomatic test pos. rate @UCSFHospitals: way⬇. 10d ago, it was ~16%. Last 3d:~4%.(1/2)

I'd like to see those curves going down faster, but this is at least some good news.

Seems that the second Omicron subvariant BA.2 may soon be about to cause cases to start rising again in South Africa... Or at least to stop the decline in new infections. Shows how fast immunity wanes & evolution can catch up.

And of course, there's always some possible bad news if you look for it.