Favorites January 22nd 2022

I used to wear sunglasses sometimes, but no longer.

I don't usually include stuff making fun of Fox news, but this is particularly funny. The quote from @Acyn is 100% accurate. Responses were also amusing.

Buying out the lease on my Leaf was so annoying that it makes me want to avoid ever buying a car through a dealership again. The absolute worst kind of regulatory capture, get rid of them.

Parliamentary systems are definitely better than what we've got, but you can't pretend they solve everything.

More regarding Ukraine situation. Strategy is weird and difficult. With unexpected spillovers.

We're just bad at prioritizing.

I've mentioned it previously, but hopefully the increase in popularity of electric cars will start a spiral of infrastructure for gas cars shutting down.

And there's no monetization at all in most countries, from this analysis by Hank Green.