Copyright span should be shortened by 50 years. This is literally absurd. The copyright of "Wonderwall" will literally expire in 2115. Why is that necessary

At least we stopped extending it I suppose.

Fascinating how we just burned through the Turing Test & the Lovelace Test (a Turing Test for creativity) in a week, with no doubt that AI can both fool a human & make complicated stories/art as well as the average human. (And at the same time AI is clearly nowhere near sentient) https://t.co/aEGRLKP6d0

This is a bit old, but it's true, I absolutely didn't notice when this happened officially. There have been previous systems that passed a Turing test by using trickery, but I suppose it should be unsurprising that large language models (LLMs) can pass a Turing test.

True health comes from understanding your cicadian rhythm, which is why I only wake up every 13 years
circadian rhythms don't buzz quite as much as cicadian rhythms.
• Speculation regarding about why the XBB variant stopped spreading so quickly after an initial huge burst. TL;DR: Maybe new variants at this point rise to prominence by finding a 'niche' among hosts and peter out once they have infected everyone available.