He provides a guide with useful advice about how to use ChatGPT for writing.
Remember this next time someone says they're worried about how much lithium we need to make the batteries that will power our future technologies. It's peanuts compared to our mining for fossil fuels, and those peanuts have been enough to electrify a sizable portion of new cars.
A quick search indicates Youtube Premium has 25 million subscribers, if you were wondering. (Further, Variety says Youtube TV has 5 million subscribers)
Looks pretty cool, he says the 30% reduction in fuel could result in 130 mpg per passenger. I wonder if it's noisy with the jets so close to the fuselage.
• Biden administration is reinstating the federal requirement that cities affirmatively further fair housing. One interesting tidbit is that apparently after the Trump admin rescinded the rule, they actually got close to simply banning exclusionary zoning but turned back at the last moment.
• The west appears to have become more supportive of helping Ukraine retake Crimea. On that note, a thread from Dmitri Alperovitch about risk of Russian nuclear escalation. TL;DR: slow-walking material support appears to have done a lot to keep things from escalating.