Favorites January 10th 2022
Huge surge in popularity of the game Wordle, a very simple word game that only allows you to play once per day. More comics and jokes on the subject.

Plus there might be further underreporting due to polarization.

This and horse paste, competition for ridiculousness.

We did something really awesome, and it's worked, we should be proud of ourselves.

Plus it convinces more people to get vaccinated, win/win.

There was a bunch of debate today about whether it's possible to reform the filibuster. Some discussed a "talking filibuster," requiring senators actually talk to block bills, which isn't required right now. From what I've read filibuster reform seems a bit less likely as of today than yesterday. This is all ridiculous of course, the filibuster isn't some hallowed tradition, it's current form is quite new.

And yes, just like in Oryx & Crake, it's a genetically modified pig.
Not commenting on this, although Colin, Alex and Claire all had things to say.