Alex Lee has been introducing absolutely amazing bills, I like this one too. Even better would be if they'd pay for bulb-outs or bollards to physically block cars from parking in those spaces, rather than just red paint, but it's a start.

This is great news and hard to overstate, it's also not supposed to be possible, here's a short thread about the way all economic indicators have bounced around in the 2020s. Also, the bureau of labor statistics updated their numbers, and there are a million more people in the US than they thought.

Cookies! Cookies make them think they learned more! Amazing.

If you're wondering what happened in 2011, that was when they changed the accounting from per village to per town.
• I just mentioned spy balloons the other day, there's a long thread about a Chinese spy balloon floating around US airspace. Key point though: "it does not create significant value added over and above what the PRC is likely able to collect through things like satellites in Low Earth Orbit."
• Great thread about scaling up production of things generally, but then gets into how it applies to the difficultiies of building nuclear power plants. Here's an Ars Technica article on the same subject.