Favorites February 3rd 2022
"climate change is driving eight of the 21 sites where previous Winter Olympics have been held out of the running."
Yea, I saw this picture and thought it must be hollow, but no, just surprisingly small. Also, it's kinda funny how uneven gold looks when you try to make big flat pieces like this. The final picture is a reference to Spinal Tap, here's the clip.
Wow, really cool to see the results of the two strategies side by side like that.
Zucker was the president of CNN till he suddenly resigned yesterday.
As Noah Smith notes, antivax caused deaths on the scale of a large war.
Sure, vacancy taxes are good, but also building more homes is good. (BTW, yes, I've really met people with the opinions expressed by Patrick in this meme)
Not to be confused with the recent discussion about Leopards.