After reading the two essays, Mollick agreed with the grades, the only catch is that he had to argue with Bing to get it to write anything. He also demonstrated how it could automate end to end the process of spamming convincing looking academic papers.
Important to note that there have been hundreds of cases of H5N1 in recent years, so this isn't necessarily the start of a pandemic. But it's a reminder we should be continuing to improve our vaccine deployment capabilities.
"Permission-slip governance reflects not the government’s strength but its weakness. A strong government well staffed with experts would write clear regulations and enforce them. The government we actually have imposes permission-slip requirements pushed by interest groups and industry, then relies on consumers to pursue private legal remedies if anything goes wrong. This is a legacy of Republican attacks on Big Government, which not only constrained the size of the state but diminished its efficacy. Those attacks did not really limit government intrusion, however, because people still want protection against health and safety risks. When the government can’t provide that well and quickly, it provides that poorly and slowly."
• Experiments using the new StableDiffusion addon 'ControlNet' to turn famous logos into photos.
• Thread discussing how it looks like inflation is coming in high again, interest rates are going to go up more.