Every year it's now adding enough solar and wind to power whole countries such as South Africa, Australia, Spain, and the UK.
That's the addition *in one year*.

Here's the underlying article, with more graphs. Also, that's a lot of power!

For perspective, my current view is that just about any place in the "yellow or higher" areas on this topographic contour map of California (i.e., ~900-1000ft) has a decent shot at accumulating snowfall overnight Thu into Fri. Definitely includes some unusual places... #CAwx

It's probably going to be possible to see snow from everywhere in California on Thursday, just go look at the tallest mountain.
• Thread describing the design of a system to detect ships in satalite photos to monitor overfishing hotspots. The important part is that they trained it with a ridiculously small number of images by augmenting their set using Stable Diffusion.
• Really interesting thread discussing how unusual it is among apes that human males and females are quite physically similar.
• Thread arguing that some of the more pessimistic claims about the future of COVID being made online are not credible.