I remember reading this article, it may have been on the last day I was at the office.

Seems like a very good idea, an electric bike isn't just better than an electric car in terms of CO2 emissions, they're also much less likely to hit and kill pedestrians and other bicyclists.

Here's the full list of cities by name if you prefer. If you're thinking about a builder's remedy project in the bay area, here's a short thread of what these colors on the map mean legally. What a great opportunity for Apple to build some skyscraper apartments next to their campus.

At this point, I think my most central political philosophy is Georgism, so needless to say, I'm absolutely thrilled to see this. (Even if Prop 13 is going to make it hard to accomlish that much). I'm also excited that there is something on the way regarding single staircase reform, as State Assemblymember Lee implies with this wordless Spongebob gif.
This was interesting info about Formula E racing, I thought it was interesting how much they're able to experiment with the format since it's new, although on the other hand, I don't recall ever watching any kind of televized car race, and I don't think I'm going to start any time soon.
• A short thread describing the EU's Green New Deal response to the recent US Inflation Reduction Act. TL;DR: there is going to be a mountain of funding for more green tech in the coming years. Also the EU is doing a better job of 'friendshoring' than the US did, a mistake that we will hopefully fix soon.