He follows up by concluding the largest lever to reduce world CO2 emissions is is the hands of China, and they don't really care what environmentalists in the west think. The good news is that renewable electricity production is growing at fantastic pace world-wide.
They're all credit card points programs with side businesses in flying planes.
His example of asking it to learn from Kurt Vonnegut is really quite incredible. Also today, a very short clear explanation of how these LLMs generate text.
They're also reporting that the other stuff we shot down wasn't surveillance.
It's BBC Shipping Forecast compilations, now I just wonder it works on toddlers.
• Great thread responding to criticism of a Georgist Land Value Tax.
• Thread by Andrew Prokop doing a retrospective on coverage of the Trump-Russia story over the years. TL;DR: big media establishments were relatively cautious in their coverage of the stuff that turned out to be wrong.
• Short thread showing how an evolutionary algorithm was used to create an algorithm to outperform AdamW, the state of the art stochastic gradient descent system used to train neural nets.