Favorites December 9th 2021

This is in the context that Kickstarter announced that they're going to start using the blockchain, which some have said is because they have a fiduciary duty to continue to grow.
I'm always worried it'll cook unevenly, so I stick with the usual slowcooking via tiny light bulbs.

Wow, impressive, although it's worth noting that this might be because the seasonal adjustment from last year messes with the stats.

When a helicopter is near the ground, stuff like trees makes them hard to find on modern radar, and it can manuver very qucikly to find cover, only popping up to fire when the fighter is facing away.
We are really squandering a huge advantage, we need to be accepting more immigrants to make up for the shortfall the last few years.

I really need to visit Chicago some day.

It's not just that you have to ask permission, you often aren't allowed to install vinyl, aluminum or fiberglass, windows. You have to get wood instead, even if your neighbors replaced their windows before 2008, when the regulations were put in place.

If you had not been following the drama about a slide deck from the Trump admin on January 5th, here it is. Feels kinda Coup-y, no?
I forgot to go out for Ice Cream at any time during this summer, so now I’ll probably go two years without going to an ice cream shop.