High interest rates still haven't slowed things down, the Fed isn't gonna like that, suddenly the market thinks rate hikes are going to continue for a long time. Looking a at a graph of aggregate nominal labor income versus pre-covid trend definitely makes it look like we continue to be at risk of overheating the economy. We need more immigration!

Hu Xijin is with CCP state affiliated media. Also, CNN is reporting that Xi Jinping is hinting at relaxing COVID restrictions, good to see him taking feedback
Best of ChatGPT
Everyone was sharing amusing things they could get out of OpenAI ChatGPT today. I haven’t really included any where it totally fails, but in the examples (as well as my own experience) it’s far from perfect. This is a sample biased towards the things that worked particularly well:
• It explains in biblical verse how to get a sandwich out of a VCR• Recommends macroeconomic policies for Japan.
• Writes a Monty Python sketch about the forefathers of modern AI
• Essay as Trump arguing for open borders, or better yet, Marijuana Legalization
• Scores an 83 on an IQ test, walkthrough of the answers it gave.
• Creates plausible conversations with Tyler Cowen
• Explains legal concepts as an orc, or as Elmer Fudd
• Puts a dog on the stand in a scene from A Few Good Men.