Favorites December 24th 2021
The Federal government definitely knows who's been naughty on this one.

Also mentions some concern that the possibly supply chain disruption could worsen inflation.

This is so great, although I might add, maybe we should also spend money this way to get more vaccines.

The problematic regulation is requiring two staircases in a building, which wastes space and makes apartments less pleasant, but interestingly, it's not because of the staircases themselves, it's because requiring access to *two* of them means that there *must* be a long corridor connecting all the apartments together. Check out the article for floor plans that make the problem super clear.

We already know the regulation is dumb now, it was dumb a week ago, why wait till the end of the year for it to go into effect? We want to reward countries for the kind of detailed reporting South Africa accomplished, not punish them.

Feels like Maximum Canada is currently a lot more likely than One Billion Americans.

There are so many aspects to which drugs should be approved or not beyond how effective the drug is, I can certainly apprecate that these are difficult decisions, but it seems like the fda should be willing to consider public health and cost/benefit more seriously than they have.
I went and took a ton of Christmas tree photos, so I’m going to expose you to at least one more after this.