Favorites December 22nd 2021

What just happened in South Africa and what is happening in the UK makes no sense in the traditional modeling framework, but it makes perfect sense if you assume that the virus is spreading on a network with community structure, as I recently proposed. cspicenter.org/blog/waronscie…

Interesting framework explaining why we've had so much trouble forecasting COVID's spread.

My taxi in Hebei ski country just pulled off for two-minute battery change by robot. A fresh battery lasts 150km in winter, says driver. He pays 45yuan ($7) for a fresh battery. Impressive system, all the more for being totally workaday, not exotic. Future here now for China EVs.
I remember seeing Tesla's demo of this concept almost 10 years ago, but they never brought it to market. Cool to see someone finally doing it.
I mean, you already knew it was about stress right? Sounds like getting less stress actually does something.
That 'Click To expand' is also called a hamburger button.

tbh, SMS scams (and no-click exploits!) are common enough that perhaps text/messaging apps should start *not* showing their content by default when coming from an unknown sender.

Jake Wilson for Somerville @jake4somerville
I get like, three of these a week.

"Japan is a scale model of what the U.S. should expect from population decline and restrictive immigration policies. Let’s not learn that lesson the hard way." - @PMatzko
Get immigration going again, we don't want to be like Japan on this!

Even here in SF, the nation’s most vaccinated (and likely boosted) city – and a city where masking is still the norm – we’re now seeing the familiar northward-facing curve (Figure). It’s now clear that no place in the U.S. will be spared a direct hit from Omicron.(3/25)

The graph for SF definitely demonstrates that Omicron is on the rise, but it's hardly the most extreme one I've seen for the US.

Polls obviously look bad for Democrats right now but things could plausible turn out the way they did for Clinton and Obama: a midterm bloodbath followed by a solid re-election. Especially because both of biden’s big problems, covid and inflation, are likely to improve by 2024.
Worth noting that nothing will get done after that midterm bloodbath, but still hopeful overall.