Favorites December 20th 2021

Joe Manchin has spoken plenty about his policy priorities.
Is anyone listening? @AlanMCole returns from paternity leave to address Manchin's "no" on Build Back Better.

I was amused by the straightforward graph of what Manchin wants. Imagine if positions were reversed. More speculation on motives, which may be good news. Details on Manchin's offer.

The spread of wind power in the US, absolutely central to climate policy, is being slowed & impeded by local communities who are having their heads filled full of ludicrous disinformation on the internet.

NIMBYs everywhere

Maybe this means he'll be canceled by his own movement and not run in 2024

No Spin News @NoSpinNews
We can dream. But Fox news no longer accepts testing, now requires vaccines, maybe they'll get more pro-vax? (Now I'm definitely dreaming)

7/Democrats were more likely to associate the U.S. flag with Democrats, while Republicans were more likely to associate the U.S. flag with Republicans.

Everyone loves the flag, patriotism still has power in the US, find ways to use it.

Great job guys. We went on a spy hunt and ended up just chasing talented people to our chief rival.

Yuka Hayashi @TokyoWoods
See, now this is just foolish

I've worked on infectious disease outbreaks for 30 years. I've NEVER seen anything like the speed of Omicron. It's as infectious as measles spreading in a non-immune population, with a much shorter incubation time therefore much faster doubling time. Hope it's a lot less severe.

Boosters! Get your Boosters!
I’m thinking christmas decoration photos straight through till the 25th