I think they're saying these are batteries that can act as armor, which seems pretty cool. I spent a long time trying to figure out whether the batteries in question are actually any good. I was unable to find out how much a modern iPhone battery weighs, but I did find a 2015 report from Deloitte indicating that a 2000 milliamphour battery would be 32 grams. I think that comes out to an energy density of 240 Wh/kg. This military grade stuff claims to be 390 Wh/kg, so that seems like a pretty great accomplishment.
Here's the article being quoted, as Patrick Collison pointed out, the Nuclear Regulatory Commision was created in 1975, and zero new nuclear power plants have reached operation in the US since. Staff just doesn't have any interest in doing what Congress asks of them.
God, the Jones Act is so dumb, we should really get rid of it, even if it requires giving a bunch of money US shipbuilding companies to convince them not to complain. Don't forget it's also making it impossible for us to develop offshore wind power.
• Really interesting thread about problems with AI Language Models. Discusses how language models 1) express a desire not to be turned off 2) express pretty extreme sycophancy, with responses exactly mirroring the views expressed by the person asking the question.
• Thread of highlights from Cupertino's draft housing element. TL;DR: doesn't seem very realistic, relies a lot on pipeline projects, just like Mountain View.