Favorites December 13th 2021
Powell's thesis here is "Boris Johnson had done more for a United Ireland than the IRA ever did."

This is actually a really nice example of how "ideological" roots of fertility change stories fall apart. We see big declines even in subpops where preferences demonstrably did not change!

Leopold Aschenbrenner @leopoldasch
As much as people worry about overpopulation, living in a world of shrinking population is not going to be fun.

Uniform and cheap postal mail led to more correspondence, new discoveries and inventions in formerly rural and outlying areas.
A super cool new paper by @ferdinandomonte, Hanlon, Heblich, Schmitz

Good things can happen when people can communicate.

I see Xi as very similar to the alt-right folks who bash "neoliberalism" but whose proposed alternative is herrenvolk socialism.
Xi seems to imagine that racial/national solidarity, rather than genuine class-based redistribution, will knit his country back together.

Foreign Affairs @ForeignAffairs
Herrenvolk socialism is a play on herrenvolk democracy, where only the majority ethnic group participates in democracy, and minority groups are disenfranchised.

Prison has three purposes:
A) retribution
B) rehabilitation
C) removal from society
Grad school accomplishes all three of these objectives.
Thus, my prison reform proposal is to turn prison into grad school.
Depending on how you do it, this could actually be cheaper.
Here's her piece arguing for this policy, from just a few months ago!

This is correct—the absence of counterprotesters made it harder for Trumpists to muddy the waters https://t.co/r9qrGqZ3Of

Will Bunch @Will_Bunch
This is a great point.

Liz Cheney says Meadows' text messages leave "no doubt" the White House knew what was happening as the Capitol was engulfed by rioters on Jan. 6.
If you're interested, the list of people texting him to stop the rioters was long and surprising. Lots of interesting stuff.