Favorites April 9th 2022

And of course the whipped cream line is under high pressure.

"pay everyone to stay home" doesn't actually work when the rubber meets the road. There's also this video of people screaming in frustration out the windows of the apartments they're not allowed to leave. Despite the draconian measures, things are continuing to get worse.
Brings to mind the original Sandwich Alignment Chart

Lend Lease was widely credited with being key to the allies winning WWII (as noted in the article).
• Thread arguing that the UN only exists as a central place for great powers to meet and talk, and that's all we can expect it to be.
• Thread with highlights of this ProPublica reporter's findings from the period early in the pandemic when the Trump admin didn't have a plan for getting emergency supplies and decided to "just throw money like chum into the sea", leading to tons of fraud.