Favorites April 7th 2022
Very short one this evening

This story is bananas, and my favorite part is that the US Postal Service Inspectors come out if it looking like total badasses, and the Sercret Service come out looking like dunces

One commenter said: "All you need to read is "raided by the US Postal Inspector" to know whoever is being raised is exceptionally fucked"

Here's what that looks like here in DC. The District and the close-in jurisdictions of Alexandria and Arlington each lost 2-3 percent of their population. (dark purple) The next tier of suburbs lost ~1 percent. (light purple) But the exurban fringe gained people. (green)

He has more examples of "donut effect" around various cities in the US, But even the places that lost population are now beginning to see rent increases.
And Also
• Interesting sounding article from Foreign Affairs about national borders, but I don't have a subscription.