Favorites April 27th 2022: Communism, Parking, and Snake Bites
An absolutely fascinating article, the societies of pre-agricultural societies are so varied, the aspect of avoiding wasted resources was really dark.
Using this graphical illustration for its original purpose!
Even the smallest false positive rate is going to be a problem if you're locking down a city over 5 positives out of millions.
She goes on to say that looking for 50% comparative efficacy against symptomatic infection makes no sense against omicron, adult vaccines don't meet that mark.
Don't let anyone tell you that your city is too small to remove parking requirements. Here's the detailed data.
From the article, it's a bit over $80 per life year saved to just distribute more antivenom treatments, which is on the high side for effective altruists (also news to me, they aim for interventions at $30-$80). But there's other ideas for new systems to figure out what kind of venom it is which may be much more effective.
• Short thread regarding Q1 GDP, which looks like it's gonna come in a bit weak, but in part because Q1 2021 was so strong.