If you're looking for ideas for things you could be doing with ChatGPT right now, this is a great article.
It's worth noting that this isn't as applicable to Language Models, where it's clear they' still get better with more data.
Their market cap is now significantly higher than Facebook, which uh... that tracks given recent events. Did you read the last two tweets, most of that LLM and image generation stuff is happening on nvidia GPUs.
This is regarding the 'natural vista' that the new residential building in SF will block. But if you really want to upset someone in the SF Sunset district, tell them that the "stucco-covered plywood homes were cheaply built, are reaching the end of their useful life, and should be torn down and replaced with high quality modern housing." as Max Dubler suggest.
In the article, the analogy that made the most sense explaining the 'strong-chain' concept to me was comparing science to venture capital, it doesn't matter if you fund tons of things that fail as long as a few projects hit it out of the park.
• Alarming thread about how China refuses to have a 'red phone' equivalent. TL;DR: they believe that guardrails would make the US more aggressive.