Favorites April 11th 2022

They have other graphs of ways voters change when they move. Further, they don't generally start changing till they move, which seems to indicate that they changed because they moved, rather than moving because they changed.
Look, I'm not saying that this article finally convinced me to use a soft g, but it's by far the most effective argument I've ever read. It should be noted, however, that language changes over time, and trying to insist on a specific pronunciation is probably futile.

I had never heard of this concept of "Rockets and Feathers", but I suppose it would be expected that it takes a while for competition between gas stations to bring down the consumer price of gasoline.

Tactic also used by the Germans during WWII. Once again it seems like trying to get these guys to defect could be effective.

Allowing people to live where they want will mean they move towards the best ratio of cost vs amenities, and in some cases, that means cities. Not understanding the agglomeration effect is a big part of NIMBY politics.

This seems really good, now maybe they can do the same thing so that dental assistants can do cleanings without working for a dentist.

If I'm gonna need a booster every three months, I'd definitely prefer a nose spray. If it's more likely to block infection, all the better!
• Yet another thread about how big a mistake it is for Germany to close its remaining nuclear plants. There are a lot of graphs in this one.
One thing the Russian war against Ukraine has shown about US Foreign policy is that it turns out Turkey is America’s top ally in the middle east, not Israel, not the Saudis, Turkey.