– almost 20% of Italians live in a home with a leaky roof. I couldn't find the equiv stat for the US though. (src cached)
– Riots is France, but my goodness they have a low homicide rate (src cached)
– Updates on how Twitter is doing since Musk fired most of the engineers (src cached)
– The only upside of monarchy is that they often result in parliamentary republics rather than presidential ones. (src cached)
– University graduates are more likely to get married, is it all the woke brainwashing? /s (src cached)
– NIMBYs act like YIMBYs don't have precise numbers for how many new homes we want. They're called RHNA allocations folks. (src cached)
– An astounding amount of Baby Boomer money is about to get inherited (src cached)
– Did ancient peoples get annoyed that all the stories were just rehashing existing IP instead of developing new stories? Amusing thread (src cached)
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