The idea that AI will soon day make it possible to identify the authors of anonymous blogs or Twitter accounts is wild.
I wonder how many authors will be unmasked in the coming years?

Mike Conover @vagabondjack

as long as GPUs are scarce and compute is finite there will be work for humans. even if we summon godlike entities they will have quests for you

K-8 students who live within ONE MILE:
in 1969, 89% walked or biked to school.
in 2009, 13% walked or biked to school.
That suggests parenting culture plays a much larger role than car culture. Or parenting culture IS car culture.

Wow. @SubstackInc experimented with pricing, reducing it by 1 cent, so e.g. instead of $10/month, do $9.99/month.
The result?
A significant decrease for the pricing ending with .99. Which goes against conventional pricing wisdom!!
Why it's worth running experiments!

LLMs are to software as machine tools are to hardware.

Matthew C. Klein @M_C_Klein

There is no energy technology that can’t be sabotaged by inability to get infrastructure projects built. https://t.co/uJLKGK9fBH

James Hewett @JamesHewettDC

In San Francisco, which is preparing a $5 million/per person reparations plan that likely will violate state law and thus never be implemented, half of black students can barely read

If covid conclusively originated from a lab, it would be an abject disaster for the field of virology. Funding would dry up; scrutiny, restrictions, and oversight would go through the roof (as they should).
Most virologists are thus heavily biased toward natural (non-lab) origin https://t.co/FUN7a0Y2WJ

Alex Washburne @WashburneAlex

Glass made from amino acids 👓
Chemically modified peptides were melted into a supercooled liquid and quenched to form "biomolecular glass."
The glass disintegrates in soil after ~7.5 months. Normal glass takes 1 million years (seriously).

This is why YIMBYs talk about “Housing Denied Is Housing Delayed”.
This subsidized housing development was first proposed in 1978! Endless lawsuits and delays have dragged this project on for 40+ years.
That is 40+ years of housing being denied to would-be residents. (1/8)

Olivia Killingsworth @olivekilworth

The core of the issue. SFPD simply won’t do a thing so criminals will all do crimes in San Francisco. Better income than tech workers with more flexible hours and zero risk of getting laid off. https://t.co/IJIXogeYtV

Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking