PREDICTION: Google’s $15B deal with Apple to be the default search on iPhone will be re-negotiated and be a bidding war between MSFT/Bing and Google.
It will become at least $25B, if not more.
If MSFT is willing to spend $10B on OpenAI, they’ll spend even more here.

Its a fascinating period in AI, where the more esoteric & wide your humanities knowledge, the more you can get AI to do cool things.
You get neat stuff if you know to ask for halftone offset lithographs, turnaround character sheets, general arrangement plans, batik prints, etc.

Nintendo’s CEO recently said “If we reduce the number of employees for better short-term financial results, employee morale will decrease” and is instead doing the opposite by raising pay to address inflation.
Some leaders are built different.

2 years ago, I urged policymakers to relitigate the 70-year policy of discouraging politically stable & democratic allies from developing their nuclear deterrence capabilities. The idea was heresy. Necessity is now leading former Pentagon officials to publicly suggest the same.

What happens when a school district moves to a four day week?
This paper finds that home prices in the district fall, teachers leave, and student achievement drops. https://t.co/TKFMCBjUsa

Chad Aldeman @ChadAldeman

Scott's view is that because taking the implications of his absurd proposal seriously would lead to awful consequences, we should pretend that's not what he proposed.
But he should just propose something less stupid!

Rick Scott @SenRickScott

Lee E. Ohanian @lee_ohanian

I'm genuinely confused here. Did @elonmusk not provide this #TwitterFiles info to @bariweiss, @mtaibbi & co? Did they choose to not to use it? Something else?

Rolling Stone @RollingStone

Biden should make fun of Xi more!

Rebecca Choong Wilkins 钟碧琪 @RChoongWilkins

The article is very long but the whole thing hinges on basically “one guy told me this is what happened” with no other explanation. I’m skeptical. https://t.co/PMIosx3s3p

Mike Lee @BasedMikeLee

I accept this analysis in the case of baggage fees but the “resort fees” that hotels started charging aren’t an optional add-on, it’s pure deception. https://t.co/pKkkoCuMjE

George Callas @George_A_Callas