me n the boys rolling into the sleepy suburb of Pine Oaks California to build the New Kowloon arcology when its entire zoning code is thrown out in two days
It's crazy how much federal tax receipts have increased from 2019. This is quarterly data, with the latest in 2022q3
Yes, it's adjusted for inflation!
My husband has covid for the first time and …. This. Please tell me this will be funny someday. Yes, it’s ink
Love to ascribe any and all societal problems to “capitalism” and forestall all attempts to fix them by insisting that the only real solution is its overthrow
if you’re in sf and like good things, you’d be negligent not to see @ImprovShakesCo at @SFSketchfest this weekend:… (some tickets still available) 🎭
Trying to reduce traffic by mandating more car parking is like trying to keep rats out of the pantry by dumping a bunch of food on the kitchen floor.
An all-time favorite chart:
In the early 1800s, nails were almost ***half a percent*** of the US economy
Always be skeptical when you see stuff like this. It turns out that:
1) all those scary sounding chemicals are not particularly scary
2) wind turbines actually do get recycled and
3) the amount of waste is tiny compared to coal ash and impacts are tiny vs burning fossil fuels
John Lee Pettimore @JohnLeePettim13
Left-wing Democrats are ideologically committed to the view that increasing Black and Hispanic representation is good, which gives moderates this opportunity to bolster their power inside the coalition.
Nate Silver @NateSilver538
Absolutely incredible interview with former Taliban fighters:
>the rent is too high
>my boss wants me to work in the office
>I’m addicted to Twitter
>traffic is horrible after everyone moved here
>petty crime is out of control
AAN Afghanistan @AANafgh