Latest Trip.com experiment results on #WFH
Non-managers loved hybrid WFH from the beginning. Managers, however, were negative initially. After the 6 month experiment they changed their minds from negative to positive.
Paper: nber.org/papers/w30292

Antivaxers have this unfounded idea that COVID-19 vaccines are leading to people "dying suddenly".
But in a study of individuals with heart failure, the highest death rate was in the unvaccinated group.

@mattyglesias Sec. 13002 of IIJA created the National Motor Vehicle Per-Mile User Fee Pilot. About two dozen states have done or are doing pilots. Virginia’s Mileage Choice program that began last year seems like a good approach to phasing in a permanent replacement for fuel tax road revenue.

Research based on a randomized lottery shows that immigrants significantly increase production of American companies without decreasing employment for native US workers

In March 2020 we (myself included) worried that 🇺🇸 was going to lose job matches by relying on UI instead of furlough.
Didn't think that could actually be a good thing, which could beneficially disrupt the low wage labor market and make it more competitive.

Eric Levitz @EricLevitz

A French architect suggested that we address homelessness by literally stopping all housing construction on the planet.

Rob Curley @RobJCurley