Reading through the planning framework for Stoneridge mall redevelopment in Pleasanton and... here is how the ubiquitous 5/1 façade is mandated through design rules (cc @nytimes).
Now make it 1800 months
Emily Feng ε―ε²θΈ @EmilyZFeng
Big rhetorical win for the YIMBYs that even NIMBYs are forced to use the term "missing middle". They're acknowledging it's missing in the same breath they're saying no to it!! Astounding work here.
I just do this for free. Sad.
bryan metzger @metzgov
Costco, typically known for giant buildings full of bulk goods surrounded by massive parking lots, is working on a deal in the Baldwin Hills neighborhood of Los Angeles that would put apartments full of potential customers on top of a planned store.β¦
Durham and Barr searched everywhere for the deep state plot against Trump, but ended up getting a tip accusing *Trump* of crimes that even they decided "was too serious and credible to ignore."
Barr had Durham investigate it, unclear what became of itβ¦
I just recorded a podcast with @ASlavitt and @JerusalemDemsas (forthcoming) where I noted that wealthy Bay Area NIMBYs are unusually sophisticated in their rhetoric. They know how to keep out people who aren't their kind while claiming to do the opposite.
Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking