Just thinking about how the United States could have been the world leader in 5G technology instead of China if we had just given *one guy* a green card when he needed one
This is twice the Kenyan median income. Who are we to begrudge people providing jobs to Kenyans.
Billy Perrigo @billyperrigo
A new high-tech study has revealed nearly 1,000 ancient Maya settlements, including 417 previously unknown cites linked by what may be the world's first highway network and hidden for millennia by the jungles of northern Guatemala and southern Mexico reut.rs/3HfkeS5
Fantastic news. All states should be moving in this direction, making it easier to move occupational licenses across state lines.
This is really, really cool
Secretary Antony Blinken @SecBlinken
It appears that the EU’s approach to tech regulation will be to fine companies under the GDPR for complying with the DSA and then fine them under the DSA for complying with the GDPR, all the while telling itself it’s the envy of the world.
more convinced than ever that it was either alito or thomas
Chris “Subscribe to Law Dork!” Geidner @chrisgeidner
one funny thing is that the culture is very anti the idle rich, everyone likes to think of themselves as some kind of hard worker, not some 19th century rentier living off bond coupons, but the tax code actually thinks the latter is way better
this leads to the funny situation outlined in owen zidar's research where people who do work for their money are lying to the IRS about actually being idle rentiers eml.berkeley.edu/~yagan/Capital…
Your regular reminder that more people work at Arby’s than there are coal workers.
Dr. Mary Finley-Brook 🕷🕸 🌍 @geoyapti
I think this is basically correct, but I think an underlying issue is that there are inherent limits to how much material wealth or technological progress can improve the living standards of human beings.