At midday today, wind is producing 42% and nuclear almost 16% of the UK's electricity. Solar is producing almost 7% - in the middle of January. UK grid carbon intensity is well below 100g CO2 per kilowatt.

80% of US coal-fired power plants can be repurposed for advanced nuclear reactors according to @ENERGY.

What is the non-cynical explanation of why congressional republicans only push hard for spending cuts when there’s a Democratic president?

1. Food stamps instead of cash benefits.
2. Opaque and inequitable tax subsidy for health insurance rather than direct universal provision of a basic insurance plan.
3. Still no clear commitment from Warner Brothers to adapt the Dune sequels.

Jeff Stein @JStein_WaPo

One unusual aspect of Bostrom-gate is that the phrasing of the original email makes it very hard to credibly apologize for because the original text is explicitly saying that he knows this is the kind of thing he pragmatically should not be saying.

This is a credible threat; Trump has no reason *not* to run 3rd party, since he doesn't care about the GOP at all. And even getting 10% of the vote would be enough to sink DeSantis, and it would let Trump have the limelight for a bit longer.

TheRealBiffBifford 🇺🇸 @TBifford

BREAKING: Heat pump market in Finland grew by 50% in 2022.
1.5m heat pumps have now been installed in a country with just 2.7m households.

"to show aggression in self defense." how does this man bathe himself.

Raju J Das @Raju_DasYorkU

Son just claimed that "town planning" was once an olympic sport & we told him to stop lying but turns out he's right

Medicaid expansion is very good!

Megan Ranney MD MPH 🌻 @meganranney