One of the key insights from japan’s decades of experience with high speed railways is that at shorter distances the mode competing with trains isn’t planes, but cars.

Latest piece just appeared in @TheAtlantic . Ukraine is going to win this war; the question is how long will it take? That depends on the support given. The better strategic and ethical choice is to give Ukraine what it needs to win the war more quickly.

Thread: Each week I’m running a simulation of Australia’s main electricity grid using rescaled generation data to show that it can get very close to 100% renewable electricity with just 5 hrs of storage (24 GW / 120 GWh)
last week: 100% RE
last 72 weeks: 99.1% RE (1/4)

Damn. LBJ is getting shafted in the retrospective approval ratings here. Do people just give him all the blame for Vietnam, or do they not know about all the great stuff he did??

It’s really insane how fast obesity rates have grown in the US. Tripled in a single generation. The mainstream approach to diet and exercise is incredibly broken. usafacts.org/articles/obesi…

If you look at absolute poverty after government transfers, you can see that the Great Society absolutely annihilated poverty in America.

With a large number of their vehicles destroyed, the Russian army is reverting to WW1 tactics: Human wave attacks backed by massive un-guided artillery bombardments.

Russian defense production is not going well. It seems unlikely that they will be able to sustain their WW1-like artillery barrages indefinitely:

Everyone’s instinct is to suggest an Asian or European city with awesome urbanism but my vote is Calgary and Ottawa both of which have higher transit mode than any non-NYC American city.

Hayden Clarkin @the_transit_guy

Exactly this — Ottawa’s infrastructure has huge problems and they’re still getting better results than every American city. Instead of whining about why you can’t be as nice as Amsterdam or whatever ask why you can’t get results as good as the ones Canadians think are bad.

fulano @cowabungatime