An extra $440 million to fight malaria and others. This is a huge bipartisan success story. You love to see it.

dylan matthews @dylanmatt

this is not a mathematical observation

Harlo 🪟☀️☮️ @PippengerHarlo

Marijuana legalization does not reduce labor force participation but does lead to more agricultural employment.

Nothing wrong with e-bike subsidies but this is both much less effective than eliminating regulatory parking minimums and also more expensive.

E-bikes are a great solution to parking scarcity.
But DC (and most other American cities) has an elaborate regulatory system in place to avoid parking scarcity and ensure people drive more and burn more gasoline.

Virtually every elected official in America claims to believe either that burdensome economic regulation is bad or else that burning fossil fuels is bad. Many believe both of these things.
But few act on these beliefs with regard to parking!

It would be funny if we loop back around to conservatives deciding Common Core and curriculum standardization was a good idea all along.

Christopher F. Rufo ⚔️ @realchrisrufo

South Korea shows how deep decarbonizarion of the energy grid in the medium term is possible.
Short answer: renewables + nuclear.
Cc: @JesseJenkins @dwallacewells @Revkin @sharp_writing

'Our brains are our rifles': Inside the secret drone factory manned by teenage students. I was asked to retweet. Interesting article

Great thread here on housing misinformation being pushed in progressive nonprofitland

Brian Hanlon @hanlonbt

Here’s Calvin Welch admitting the slow growth movement of San Francisco in the 70s/80s was driven by middle class perceptions of on-street parking scarcity — not anti-displacement or social justice concerns.

NIMBYism is also what's killing the U.S. semiconductor industry, btw

Kevin Xu (interconnect.substack) @kevinsxu