"One of the great unacknowledged triumphs of our lifetime"
Since 1870, 61 great famines have killed over 100M (half in China, 25% in Europe & Russia, 10% in Africa)
Over the past 20 years, famines have become much less deadly thanks to international aid. sciencedirect.com/science/articl… https://t.co/BJfzfnuB84
Everytime I read a story about troubles in New York City I think “maybe things have gotten so bad that I could afford to live in the neighborhood I grew up in” and … no
Scott Shafer @scottshafer
In retrospect we'll realize that in 2023 there were no AI experts.
Chris Anderson @chr1sa
China's leaders were surprisingly responsive to the (still pretty modest) protest wave.
William Zheng Wei @zhengwei75
Gov't statisticians estimate 200k job openings 2021Q1-23Q2 out of 800+k California construction jobs.
Ex: Electrical contractors need to fill 21k jobs out of a base of 78k (27%).
Electrical apprenticeships enrolled <4,800 last 2 years.
Implications ...
To a perhaps surprising extent this is actually *not* how most US cities run their bus systems.
Roshan Patel @roshanpateI
It is remarkable that the anti-YIMBY folks on here have zero explanation for how New Zealand basically did SB-827, built tons of housing, and brought home prices down https://t.co/lX5tqNYCwl
Clint Smith @ClintVSmith
Why did CEO pay suddenly shoot up starting in the 1980s?
This paper argues a big cause was the CEO role became more professionalized & demanding. This meant CEOs could now easily switch between companies, creating a competitive market for executives. The charts tell the story!