the problem with progressive language is that it’s a collection of shibboleths not a real set a policy priorities. you can use it to describe anything. the most racist HOA’s on the planet now talk to the press like they’re marxist urban planning students.

Joe @JoePostingg

"President Biden has announced one of the largest expansions in legal migration in decades.... This is the first serious intentional effort to use legal migration to secure the border since the 1950s Bracero Program." - @David_J_Bier cato.org/blog/bidens-ne…

This @ParkerMolloy take on why I’m bad struck me as pretty reasonable.
Relative to a lot of people in the takes game I’m friendly to the status quo — I think Americans in 2023 enjoy some of the highest living standards of anyone anywhere in history.

What her take misses is the other thing that’s “centrist” about me is that the issue where I do favor very large departures from the status quo is land use regulation, an issue that doesn’t happen to be strongly aligned with partisan activist blocs.

Either the debt ceiling will be raised and things will be fine, or else the debt ceiling will be ignored through one means or another and Republicans will be able to sue and lose if they want to.
But there’s no universe in which the country defaults or they win concessions.

Exactly so — Joe Biden has a solemn constitutional obligation to spend all the money already required by law and no money not required by law.
The putative debt ceiling is plainly unconstitutional and irrelevant.

Dan McLaughlin @baseballcrank