I have long believed forcing gun owners to carry liability insurance is the most pragmatic way to reduce gun violence.
You want expensive, dangerous toys - you’ve got to carry insurance proportionate to the risk it poses based on your background.

Shannon Watts @shannonrwatts

Don’t get so irony poisoned that you actually start to think drunk driving is like, a naughty-but-harmless thing everyone does

Where are Ukraine and Taiwan in these cartoons?

Andy Mok, Center for China and Globalization @andymok

This is framed as an anti-nuclear take, but note that the upshot if you read between the lines is that the 100% renewable grid requires some massive Breakthrough TK in hydrogen generation and transportation.

AukeHoekstra @AukeHoekstra

Many Trump/Trumpism stories are not that interesting. But the level of detail and willingness to describe Stefanik's actions without pulling punches make this @nickconfessore story unique. This is essential reading in understanding how the GOP has changed.

The three most terrifying dystopian novels ever written are 1984, Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, and Oryx and Crake.
The most overrated dystopian novel is Fahrenheit 451.
Brave New World is not a dystopian novel at all.
Come at me bros

All of this should be the city of San Francisco. SF should absorb Daly City, Colma, Brisbane, South San Francisco, and San Bruno.

@Noahpinion If anchorage gets to be nearly 2k square miles, is it so crazy for the bay area to be one big thousand square mile city?

Yes Paul Ehrlich is always wrong, but TBH I think we should worry about wildlife a lot more than we do.

Sam Peak 🗻 @SpeakSamuel