Remember, all these accusations are actually confessions.
Spokesperson发言人办公室 @MFA_China
If you're gonna retweet some claim about a scary new COVID variant, you probably ought to verify that the person who made the claim hasn't falsely hyped other scary new COVID variants dozens of times over the past few years.
The article should probably also have mentioned how the NYT spun its own polling that was obviously good for Democrats as having been great news for Republicans instead.
Joel Wertheimer @Wertwhile
And yes NYT did reach out for comment and we declined to participate because it was clear from preliminary conversations that the premise of their article was dumb and ignored their own role in hyping the red wave *in contradiction* to what 538's forecasts showed.
tl;dr ralph nader is bad in ways that transcend the specifics of the 2000 presidential election
Matthew Zeitlin @MattZeitlin
Remember: As of tomorrow you can make your own, legal, story where Sherlock Holmes replaces Watson with Winnie the Pooh.
MV YIMBY's position was that staff should set clearer priorities. Since they can't do everything, they should save time by making more stuff by-right and not micromanaging design review. Then they could at least enact council's direction. That idea went nowhere