The below essay by @ShapiroDoug is, in my opinion, a well-structured and very interesting read for those curious about emergent trends + potential disruption in the content creation model (how films and series are created).

Japan's fertility is actually higher than nearby countries and pretty average for a rich country. It just experienced the fertility transition a little earlier than most, so its population is older.

Bloomberg Opinion @opinion

It's natural to think "if everyone is richer in the future, we'll live like today's affluent people" but that's not how growth works.
Young Agatha Christie had a nanny and a full-time housekeeper but couldn't afford a car.

The Southwest debacle is a reminder that the "boring" parts of the economy have a tremendous need for the services of skilled software people even if the Big Tech and startup worlds go into simultaneous decline.

I will never not get over the fact the city of mountain view owns a 12.5 acre vacant lot in a high opportunity area, near transit and amenities. and the city wont even discuss whether to add it to the site inventory bc all the neighbors are notorious nimbys

The affh concern is not just hypothetical in Mountain View. As @JamesKuszmaul has forcefully and repeatedly pointed out to the city, there is a huge racial disparity in our elementary schools: Castro elementary has 88% hispanic students, while Amy Imai has 7% hispanic students.

The good news is that it is not hard to find efficiency-promoting reforms that are also equality-promoting — many of our leaky buckets of redistribution are redistributing resources upward.

Arin Dube @arindube