This is the first Christmas that Connecticut prisoners will be able to make and receive phone calls for free. The state was the first in the nation to stop charging for prisoner calls.…
“What’s finally sunk in with many people is that we have parking minimums and yet housing maximums, which means we have too many cars and too little housing. We have things the wrong way around."
Also problematic about the UC Berkeley case - in CEQA you can conclude there's not an impact where something is addressed through code or ordinance. Excessive noise is handled via noise ordinance. It's really bad precedent to take position that compliance w law isn't adequate.
Chris Elmendorf @CSElmendorf
Here are the 5 best papers I read in 2022 that you should read too:
1. "The Economics of Intangible Capital" by Crouzet, Eberly, Eisfeldt, and Papanikolaou…
Penn professor gentrifies West Philadelphia, opposes new housing, then bravely stands up against the ruinous environmental quality of the students who pay her salary. NIMBY Twitter is a bleak place, and Valerie is its dark, barely beating heart
Valerie Ross @ValerieRoss14
The exception that proves the rule is they should at least try the idea of a period Bond set against the backdrop of decolonization, the early Cold War, and an acute sense of British imperial decline — the original Bond setting is very compelling in a way that updates aren’t.
I would love to see this level of federal outrage and oversight over transit service, which is far more essential every day and gets disrupted for ridiculous, indefensible nonsense on a regular basis.
Edward Russell @ByERussell
IMO we should talk more about how a few simple, tweaks* to land use policy would let Americans live in even bigger houses.
(*eliminating all restrictions on FAR, building height, lot occupancy, parking, and quantity of units on all residential parcels everywhere)
Brent Toderian @BrentToderian
New research finds that immigrants…
➡️ Are 16% of all US inventors
➡️ Produced 23% of total innovation output
➡️ Are responsible for 36% of aggregate innovation, 2/3 of which is due to their innovation externalities on their native-born collaborators
Sorry: To be more clear, what I’m saying is that to advance their partisan political objectives Republicans are misstating the situation at the border and these misstatements encourage more people to come which is exacerbating the genuine substantive problems.
Isaac Schorr @isaac_schorr