It is completely messed up that we can't do this. Even our attempts to do it look utterly pathetic.
Kane 謝凱堯 @kane
hello from Taiwan, a country with a per capita GDP less than half of California’s, that can run 200mph trains every 15 minutes
These people are just not capable of adapting to a situation in which we're the good guys and our cause is just.
Vietnam and Iraq broke their brains.
Medea Benjamin @medeabenjamin
Terrible ruling and illustrative of the overall problems with America’s “first we decide what we’re going to do, then we have a lot of lawsuits about it” approach to doing policy.
David Schleicher @ProfSchleich
1/ Home building across the world never fully recovered from the global financial crisis (and has been on a downward trend since the 70s)
Cc: @Noahpinion @pmarca @DKThomp @AlecStapp @balajis
Interesting paper on the politics of zero-sum worldview — I wish they’d been able to look at politics over time, my guess is that Obama/Trump swing voters are highly zero sum but I’d love to know for sure.…
Some of these predictions for 2023 strike me as pretty unlikely.
Dmitry Medvedev @MedvedevRussiaE