Tom Lehrer has put all his songs online (including lyrics & sheet music), and given away all rights to them. The site will only be up for a limited time. This is a very niche tweet that will make a small segment of people very happy.
Found this great interview with Alvin Duskin, who led the anti-highrise campaigns in the '70s in SF (and died last year), and was shocked by the amount of contrition he expresses about it—and not only that, but also about his anti-nuclear activism later!
The economic costs of climate disasters in 2022:
- Hurricane Ian caused $100bn in damage across Florida & South Carolina
- Pakistan floods caused $40bn in damages
- Summer heatwaves caused more than $10bn in losses in Europe
@dwallacewells @Noahpinion
All around the country you see evidence of less pollution in our water supplies and new projects are under way to drive further improvements.…
America's politicians have spoken, says @mattyglesias: They want more nuclear power plants. Unfortunately, the Nuclear Regulatory Commission isn't listening
It is kind of insane that we have more consulates in Spain (population 47 million) than we do in India (population 1.4 billion)
Really makes you think.
Elon Musk @elonmusk
jobs are not a zero sum pie that gets devoured by each additional job taker—immigrants work, consume, and innovate. Basically every study on this question—every study—shows that immigrants grow the economy and make natives richer, not poorer.
ib @lndian_Bronson