New Substack post on the long afterlife of Malthusianism and why NIMBYs keep saying expensive cities are full

It's ALMOST enough to make me hope the Republicans get a wafer-thin majority in the House, forcing them to obstruct abortion rights for two years and keep the issue on the boil until 2024. (At which point they'll get a kicking.)
Spoiler: I don't hate American women that much.

Axios @axios

I think Musk saw the verification regime as a political favor done for one adversary (journalists) by another (lib twitter staff) that allowed the former to accrue undeserved status when it was really a business development and marketing plan that worked pretty well for twitter

Sure seems like the GOP has declared open season on Trump. But it’s going to be like watching someone try to take their own appendix out with a spoon.

Sentencing is Friday, y'all.

John Carreyrou @JohnCarreyrou

what's being called the "edgy" lefist viewpoint -- the one which posts "the United States killed Gadhaffi to stop the United States of Africa" or which defends North Korean and Syrian vote margins as reflecting real democracy -- did not really exist in 2003

Jeet Heer @HeerJeet

Early analysis shows ~77% of SF voters voted for either Prop D or Prop E or both.
Both D & E proposed to streamline housing permits. (Prop E didn’t actually do so but was marketed as such.)
So a huge majority of SF voters supported streamlining.
One more reason not to give up.

Honestly I think if Republicans don’t want to raise the debt ceiling that fine it should just not be raised and Biden should ignore it and keep dispensing the funds congress has appropriated.

If someone told me that Elon was wandering the corridors of Twitter HQ asking anyone if they’d seen Jenkins, as he’s responsible for all the builds and he couldn’t find him anywhere I’d sort of believe it at this point.

Is Sam typing his thread in slow motion and deleting select tweets simultaneously so that bots won’t detect it? Is that the reason he’s doing this?

A bit lost in the flurry of Biden-Xi's meeting: America and China are officially talking again about climate change, after months of hiatus:

Declare the entire sequel trilogy non-canon and redo them with the Thrawn storyline

Darrell Owens @IDoTheThinking