Of my pre-registered election takes this is the one that I think did worse — the Bozo Factor turns out to matter in the House too!

Tired: Don’t nominate weirdos and fraud for key senate races
Wired: Don’t nominate weirdos and frauds for any office.

A lot of people across factions questioned the decision to go so all-in on abortion ads but I think it was vindicated — I’ve said many times that the arm of the Democratic Party that tests/optimized paid media is probably its most functional group.

We need to be tough on crime (people who carry illegal concealed handguns) and tough on the root causes of crime (laws that make handguns widely available).

Brian Lyman @lyman_brian

Comfortable again in his bespoke satin robe, Dr Oz stands in the back of his NJ mansion, watching all his Eagles gear burning in the fire pit.

It's worth remembering how nice it feels to win.
Like if you're a Democrat who follows politics at all, you're really psyched that Laura Kelly won. You don't know much about her or her positions on the issues, you're just glad she won.
That's why pandering is good.

"US Northeast Is Hurtling Toward a Winter Heating Crisis" bloomberg.com/news/articles/… #EndTheJonesAct

So is @Timcast going to relocate before this child-murdering starts or keep fighting the good fight?

I always feel like we should be giving more people more placebos for stuff, they work pretty well and they’re cheap.

This dynamic - first playing nice, and then getting tough when capital sabotages economic mobilization - was a hallmark of Rooseveltian industrial policy.

Tim Puko @TimPuko

“The firms behind these programs insist that their use of this data is covered in the US by fair use doctrine. But legal experts say this is far from settled law and that litigation like Butterick’s class action lawsuit could upend the” status quo.

Two possibilities:
1. Biden and Val Demings personally invade Cuba as seen in Bad Boys 2.
2. Kevin McCarthy delivers on his stated plan to create a debt ceiling crisis whose purpose is to force large cuts in Social Security & Medicare. https://t.co/3HWyCgZWai

Special Puppy 🧦🐵 @SpecialPuppy1

What they should do for safety is form a caucus. Otherwise they’re just going to get rolled by GOP leaders, Freedom Caucus, etc. and get voted out.
There is safety and power in numbers. Show the world that moderates can still wield power in the House! https://t.co/rnIBIAmqBk

Nate Silver @NateSilver538