This should be a national scandal:
When Chesa Boudin took office, San Francisco police stopped working. Told people asking for help they were “powerless” bc of him. Then when they succeeded in ousting him: They went back to work. Nearly $1billion for this:

Did not reach the heights of the 110th Congress but given the slender majorities involved the 117th were real ones.

Lakshya Jain @lxeagle17

When you see Samus’s visor affected by electrical “noise” in game, you’re actually seeing the bits and bytes of the Metroid Prime software code itself being rendered on the screen. Turns out machine code is sufficiently random to work great as a static noise texture!

A "news" website gave SF Supervisor @DeanPreston glowing coverage before & after his re-election in 2020. It turns out his political party—the Democratic Socialists for America—secretly ran the site.
And it appears some of the writers aren't real people.